Like any
other database active directory database also get fragmented as its write and
retrieve data from the database. It will also grow on size without clearing
unused hard drive space. Well in small organization you will not feel much
different but when it comes to large infrastructures it’s become issue. It
needs to have regular optimization of active directory database to have better
we can do it?
In windows
OS we uses the defragment tool to optimize the computer hard drive. There is
similar procedure we can use to defrag active directory database.
There are
two type of defragmentation use with active directory database.
With windows
serer 2000 Microsoft introduced this method. It is runs in certain intervals
(default is every 12 hours) automatically to defrag active directory database.
It is part of active directory garbage collection process. It will optimize the
data storage and reclaims the space for new active directory objects. But this
will not reduce the size of the active directory database. The important thing
is it not required to bring any service offline to do this.
As the name
says to do this process we need stop the active directory service. To do this
system will create compact version of the existing active directory database in
different location. Once process is created the new defragmented database it
will copy the compact version in to the original location. Stats says it
can shrink database in to 1/6th of its original size after offline
To do this
we uses command line utility called “ntdsutil”.
This is the same tool we can use to check for the active directory errors.
Before do offline defragmentation you need to plan the impact properly. Since
Ad service will go down you need to measure how it will affect company
operations. The time it will take depends on the size of the AD database and
the how bad it fragmented.
2) It is always best to take system state backup prior to the
Let’s see
how we can do this.
First you need to log in to the primary domain controller as Domain admin or
Enterprise Admin.
2) Go to Server Manager > Tools > Services
In Services.mmc right click on “Active
Directory Domain Services” and click “Stop”
Then it will ask if it’s okay to stop the associated services. Click yes to
Once services stops, right click on Start button and click “Command Prompt (Admin)”
Type “ntdsutil” and
In prompt type “activate instance NTDS”
and press enter
Then type “files” and press
At the file maintenance we need specify the location where NTDS compact
database will save. For demo I created folder C:\CompactDB
and will use it. So need to type “compact to
C:\CompactDB” and press enter
10) Then it will perform the defragment. The time it will
take depends on the size of the database.
When process completes type “q”
and “quit” to exit
from the utility.
To complete
the process as screen says copy the defragmented database from C:\CompactDB\ntds.dit to
Also we need
to remove the log files as it says. After that we have successfully defrag the
AD database.
Now go to
Services.mmc right click on “Active
Directory Domain Services” and click “Start”.